How to upload your digital planner to an android device

To upload your planner to an Android device, you can follow these steps:

  1. Save your digital planner as a PDF file. You can purchase your digital planner from our store US store and UK Store

  2. Connect your Android device to your computer using a USB cable.

  3. Copy the PDF file to your Android device.

  4. Open your preferred note-taking app on your Android device. ( We recommend Noteshelf)

  5. Import the PDF file into the app by selecting "import" or "open" and choosing the PDF file from your device's storage.

  6. Once the PDF file is imported, you can start using your digital planner on your Android device.

There are many note-taking apps available for Android devices that support digital planners, We recommend Noteshelf and Zoomnotes for Android and tablet and this will let you sync your devices.