The MY PA Planning system, where "MY PA" stands for "My Personal Assistant," has emerged as on of the best productivity systems for business owners and entrepreneurs. For 2 years running it has been mominated by The Independent as The Best Business Planner and in 2023 as The Best Business planner by Marie Claire. It’s very name suggests a personal touch, offering individualized support akin to having a personal assistant by your side.

What sets it apart is simplicity. The system is a simple yet highly effective productivity tool tailored specifically for entrepreneurs who are frequently overwhelmed by a flurry of ideas and tasks. Its structure provides a respite from the chaos, serving as a grounding tool that organizes the whirlwind of thoughts characteristic of business owners and entrepreneurs, Its intuitive layout assists in prioritizing, breaking down tasks, and decluttering the mind, which is crucial for those who often find themselves pulled in myriad directions.

The Beauty of the MY PA system is that it is so simple and these diagrams demonstrate the simplicity.

We set out with one specific goal, to design something that would make you feel like you had your very own personal assistant. My PA is a simple producitivity system to help you achieve everything you want to do in your life and support you along the way. It takes you step by step through each week, month and day by helping you to plan your projects and continually set goals so you stay focused and on task. There is a place for every idea, thought and intention so that helps you stay organised and away from stress and overwhelm.

A) Write your weekly goals, projects and tasks in the weekly projects section.

B) Spend 5 minutes each day planning the day and write 3 important goals in the space provided.

C) Schedule everything you need to do into time blocks including breaks, exercise and appointments.
The weekly review is designed to keep you on task so you’re continually upping your game.

Completing a gratitude journal has been proven to help you attract an abundance into your life and stay

positive and happy. The inspiration vault gives you oodles of space for all your thoughts and ideas.

Monthly Goal Setting
Monthly goal setting is a pivotal tool for anyone looking to get things done. By breaking down larger objectives into digestible, monthly targets, it provides a clear focus and structure, minimizing feelings of overwhelm. This approach offers tangible milestones, promoting consistent motivation and a sense of accomplishment. Furthermore, it allows for regular reflection, enabling individuals to adjust strategies, celebrate successes, and continuously navigate towards their aspirations with clarity and purpose.

Monthly Project Planner

The Monthly Project Planner is a straightforward tool to keep track of tasks throughout the month. It lays out all your tasks, big or small, so you can see what's ahead and plan accordingly. Think of it as a roadmap for your month, helping you stay on top of projects without feeling overwhelmed. With this planner, you know where you're headed and can adjust as needed, making sure you stay on course and get things done.

Daily Top 3: Each day, list just three main tasks to focus on. This helps to reduce the overwhelm of extensive lists and prioritizes crucial actions. MY PA has space for 3 goals at the beginning of the day. There is also a space on the right of the weekly planer page to write a list of all the projects and tasks you want to complete in the week.

The daily schedule allows you to Time Block.
Time blocking is a productivity technique where one divides their day into designated blocks of time, each allocated for a specific task or activity. Instead of working with an open-ended to-do list, you schedule precise windows for particular tasks, from work-related projects to personal breaks. Each block is like an appointment with yourself, ensuring that you stay committed to the task at hand. By visually segmenting your day, you can ensure a balance of tasks, minimize distractions, and allocate focused time for each priority, promoting a more organized and efficient use of your day.

Social Media Planner
If you are a business owner and need to plan your social media then this can be very overwhelming. This is why we have included a monthly planner so you can easily plan all your social media.

The Weekly Review Pages
The weekly review pages at the end of each weekwill help you with weekly Reflection and Readjustment

  • What went well?

  • Which tasks were particularly challenging?

  • Were there any consistent distractions?

Based on this reflection, adjust the following week's plan to better suit your needs and address any recurrent issues.

1. OTher things that can help to Keep you organised

Buffer Zones: Allocate "buffer times" between tasks or appointments. This helps in case something runs over time or if a break is needed between activities.

Time-Blocking: Instead of open-ended tasks, assign specific blocks of time for each activity. This method provides structure and a more realistic sense of what can be achieved.

Mini-Milestones: Rather than massive to-do lists or daunting projects, break down tasks into small, achievable steps. This can make them less overwhelming and promote a sense of achievement upon completion.

Visual Components: Use color-coding, stickers, or symbols to prioritize and categorize tasks. Visual cues can help recognize and remember tasks more efficiently.

3. Mindful Moments

Incorporate moments for reflection, mindfulness, or brief meditative practices. This not only helps with productivity but also ensures mental well-being.

4. Tangible Tracking Tools

A. Colour Rewards: Use stickers or a colour marking system to reward task completion. This tangible acknowledgment can boost motivation.

5. Integrated Breaks

Schedule short breaks between tasks, especially after completing something challenging. This helps in mental reset and can improve overall productivity.

7. Supportive Digital Aids

While a physical planner offers tactile satisfaction, integrating digital tools can be beneficial:

  • Reminder Apps: Set notifications for tasks, medication, or breaks.

  • Focus Apps: Use apps designed to boost concentration or those that block distracting sites.

  • Digital Calendars: Sync across devices for easy access and reminders.