How to set better than smart goals

With a new month around the corner it's time to set some goals. While we all know our goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound), let's be honest: sometimes that advice starts to sound a bit... well, banal. So, yes, let's use SMART as our foundation, but to truly excel and add some excitement to our lives, we need to think beyond. 

The real magic happens when we breathe passion and vitality into our goals. That’s what truly propels us to achieve them. So, as we step into a new month, let’s inject some life into our goal-setting process. Here’s how we can do it without the fluff, straight to the point:


🌟 Fuel Your Fire: 
Are your goals just checkboxes, or do they get you excited? Find something that really lights you up.


🧠 Push Your Limits: 

Comfort zones are cozy, but nothing grows there. Set a goal that challenges you to be creative and innovative.


🚀 Stand Out: Elevate Above the Competition

Don’t just blend in. Aim for goals that make you stand out, showcasing your unique talents and strengths. It's not about blending in; it's about standing out with your distinctive talents and innovative ideas.


🗺️ Map It Out: 

What’s a dream without a plan? Break it down into steps you can actually tackle day by day. Use your project planner to outline everything that needs to be done.


✍️ Write It Down: 

There’s power in pen and paper. Make it real, make it tangible, and say, "I will."


In 1953, Harvard conducted a study on goal-setting which has since been quoted and referenced in countless articles and books. The study found that people who wrote down their goals were more likely to achieve them than those who didn't. This became known as the 'Harvard Study on Goals'.


As we look ahead to March, let’s ask ourselves some key questions:


✅ Are these goals exciting? 
✅ Are they going to motivate you? 
✅ Do they ignite your passion or your team's passion? 
✅ Are they going to make you stand out?
✅ Are they SMART?
✅ Have you written them down?
✅ Have you got an action plan to achieve them?


Goal setting isn’t just a task for the ambitious; it’s a commitment to ourselves. And remember, this journey isn’t just about reaching those milestones; it’s also about ensuring we’re taking care of ourselves along the way. Avoid burnout, prioritise self-care, and remember: the marathon of success is best run with regular, rejuvenating breaks.


This March, let’s not just set goals. Let’s bring them to life with a zest that propels us forward, making every day count. Here’s to turning dreams into plans and plans into action!


Here’s to a month filled with purpose, energy, and achievements that make us proud. 💪🎉