Why only 9% achieve their New Years Resolutions and how to join the 9% Club

As the New Year unfolds, many of us embark on a journey of setting goals with renewed vigor and optimism. Yet, startlingly, a study reveals that only a mere 9% of people actually achieve their New Year resolutions. This statistic isn't just a number; it's a narrative about how we approach goals and what we can do to be part of that successful 9%.


Understanding the 9% Gap


The journey from setting a goal to achieving it is often fraught with obstacles. Here’s why many falter:

  • Vague Goals: Many goals are often too broad or ambiguous. "Get fit" or "save more money" lack the specificity needed for action.

  • Beware of Unrealistic Goals . Of course it's great to be ambitious but Setting overly ambitious goals can be a recipe for disappointment. These goals, while inspiring, often lack attainability, leading to quick burnout. Remember, success lies in setting achievable objectives that balance aspiration with realism, paving the way for gradual, sustainable progress.

  • Lack of Planning: Without a concrete plan, goals remain in the realm of wishes.

  • Diminishing Motivation: As January's enthusiasm wanes, so does the commitment to our resolutions.

  • No Tracking Mechanism: Without tracking progress, it's easy to lose sight of the goal.

  • Underestimating Challenges: Overoptimism about the ease of changing habits can lead to disappointment and abandonment of goals.

  • Distractions and Time Mismanagement: In an age where social media and other digital platforms are vying for our attention, it's easy to get sidetracked. Excessive time spent on these platforms can significantly detract from goal-oriented activities.


Joining the 9%: Strategies for Success


To be among the 9% who reach their New Year goals, a shift in approach is necessary:

  • Set SMART Goals: Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Instead of "get fit", aim for "exercise for 30 minutes, 4 days a week".

  • Sustaining Motivation Beyond January Regularly revisiting and reminding yourself of the 'why' behind your goals can reignite your passion. Make sure to do the 'Why' exercise in your planner. Additionally, integrating variety and fun into your goal-related activities can keep the journey exciting. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community also plays a pivotal role, as shared enthusiasm and accountability can bolster your commitment and drive.

  • Embracing Inconsistency in Motivation It's also important to accept that motivation will naturally fluctuate over time. Not every day will bring the same level of enthusiasm and drive. We all get those 'Meh' days! Recognizing this as a normal part of the process is key. During these phases, it's consistency and discipline that become your most valuable allies. By committing to consistent actions, even when motivation wanes, you build a strong foundation for long-term success. Discipline is what keeps you on track, transforming your goals from mere aspirations into concrete achievements. Remember, it's the small, steady steps taken consistently over time that lead to the realization of grand ambitions.

  • Break Down Your Goals: Large goals can be overwhelming. Break them into smaller, manageable tasks that can be tackled regularly.

  • Create a Roadmap: Plan each step needed to achieve your goals. Set deadlines for each mini-goal. ( use your project planner for this)

  • Build Accountability: Share your goals with someone who can hold you accountable. Regular check-ins can increase your commitment.

  • Track Your Progress: Use the weekly review to review your successes and challenges. Use this to keep upping your game and identifying what works and what doesn't. Seeing small successes can boost motivation.

  • Embrace Flexibility: Be prepared to adjust your plan and goals as circumstances change. Flexibility can keep you on track even when unexpected challenges arise.

  • Learn from Failures: Instead of being discouraged by setbacks, view them as learning opportunities. Each failure brings insight into what works and what doesn’t.

  • Be Intentional with Your Time: Recognize the value of your time and be intentional about how you spend it. Avoid falling into the trap of distractions, particularly on social media. Time spent productively is key to achieving your goals.

Cultivating Perseverance and Resilience


The journey is as important as the destination. Cultivating qualities like perseverance and resilience can be crucial in achieving your goals. Understand that change is a process, and patience is key. When you stumble, reassess and realign, but keep moving forward.


Conclusion: The Path to Joining the 9%


Achieving New Year  goals isn’t just about making resolutions; it's about transforming these resolutions into sustained actions and habits. By setting SMART goals, planning meticulously, tracking progress, being intentional with your time, and maintaining flexibility and resilience, you improve your chances of success. This year, let's strive to be part of that 9% - not just in setting goals but in achieving them, thereby creating a year of growth, achievement, and personal success.


Wishing you a very happy, healthy and successful 2024


Best Wishes,



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