Small Business Ideas

Small Business Ideas

Small Business Ideas: Turning Dreams into Profitable Ventures

Are you ready to embark on an entrepreneurial journey and make your business dreams a reality? Small businesses are the backbone of many economies, and they offer fantastic opportunities for creativity, financial independence, and personal growth. In this blog post, we'll explore a variety of small business ideas that you can consider to kickstart your entrepreneurial adventure.

What Is a Business Planner?

What Is a Business Planner?

What Is a Business Planner? Unveiling the Power of MY PA

Are you an entrepreneur or business owner looking to take charge of your productivity and achieve your goals? If so, a business planner like MY PA might be your secret weapon. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of business planners, specifically focusing on what makes MY PA an exceptional choice and why having a planner is important.

The Magic You are looking for is in the Work You are Avoiding

The Magic You are looking for is in the Work You are Avoiding

I saw this quote the other day, and I thought what a brilliant way to illustrate how people often avoid the very actions that could skyrocket their success or catapult their businesses to new heights. I posted this quote on Instagram and was met with a wave of resonators.

So, why do people tend to romanticize their plans but absolutely dread the execution? It's almost as if they want to engage in self-sabotage.

How to get rid of Monday Morning Blues

Monday Morning Blues? We all get them!

It was a scorcher here this weekend 🌞. Waking up this morning after this sunny weekend with the thought of work was less appealing. But 

You know what makes those Monday mornings a bit easier to tackle? It's the daily reminder of our "why."

Sometimes, we get so caught up in the doing and the challenges that we forget our "Why."

The Nighttime Secret to Stress-Free Days

The Nighttime Secret to Stress-Free Days

Why Planning your day the night before is so highly effective.

In our crazy-busy lives, staying on top of things can be a real challenge. But here's a simple trick that can make a huge difference: plan your day the night before. Ever heard the saying, "A problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it"? Well, it turns out, there's some real magic happening when you do.

Dreams Solve Problems - The Subconscious at Work

Fearless Planning: Overcoming Your Toughest Obstacles

Fearless Planning: Overcoming Your Toughest Obstacles

If you're a keen or seasoned planner, then you probably don't need to read this. But if you're like so many others, and planning is not one of your strong suits, then read on; this may be just what you need to hear to make the change.

Planning is like a secret tool that helps us get things done, whether it's sorting out our daily tasks or aiming for long-term dreams; planning is super helpful.

However, the strange thing is that so many of us still don’t plan.

So if you are one of those that don't plan, then understanding the reasons why could be very helpful. At the end of the day, most of us would like to live our best life, and in order to do that, having a plan is an excellent place to start.

So firstly, let's look at what happens when we don't plan?

How to use Remarkable 2 as a planner with MY PA PLANNER

How to use Remarkable 2 as a planner with MY PA PLANNER

How to Use the Remarkable 2 as a Planner with the MY PA Planner

In the age of digital innovation, the Remarkable 2 tablet has carved a niche for itself with its authentic paper-like experience. Pairing it with the MY PA Planner can elevate your planning game, making you more organized and efficient. Here's a guide on how to seamlessly integrate the two and create a robust planning system.

Do Planners Help with ADHD?

Do Planners Help with ADHD?

Do Planners Help with ADHD? Let's Dive In!

Hey there! If you or someone you know deals with ADHD, you're well aware of the little hiccups it brings: from misplacing the car keys (again!) to forgetting that lunch date you were looking forward to. But here’s some good news: planners might just be the sidekick you've been searching for. Let's chat about it!

How to be a Billionaire and how your planner can help?

How to be a Billionaire and how your planner can help?

So yes, we're familiar with folks who have billions in their bank, but let's talk about a different kind of rich – being a "time billionaire". Instead of stacks of cash, this is all about mastering the 24 hours we all get each day. And here’s a fun fact: 1 billion seconds is roughly 31 years, and 2 billion is about 61 years. Puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? Let’s dive deeper.

How to upload your digital planner to your iPad

How to upload your digital planner to your iPad

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to upload your digital planner to your iPad: Please also find a video explaining this and how to use your planner on your iPad.

  1. Choose a note-taking app: There are several note-taking apps available for iPad, such as GoodNotes, Notability, and Noteshelf. Choose the one that you prefer and download it from the App Store.

  1. Choose a note-taking app: There are several note-taking apps available for iPad, such as GoodNotes, Notability, and Noteshelf. Choose the one that you prefer and download it from the App Store.

How to upload your digital planner to Supernote

How to upload your digital planner to Supernote

To upload your planner to SuperNote, you can follow these steps or you can watch a full video below on how to upload your planner and how to use your planner on Supernote.

  1. Log into your SuperNote account.

  2. Obtain your PDF planner file. Your digital planner can be purchased at the store USA STORE or UK STORE

  3. Navigate to the upload section in SuperNote.

  4. Click on the option to upload a file.

  5. Select your PDF planner file from your device's storage.

  6. Wait for the upload process to complete.

  7. Once the upload is finished, your planner will be available in SuperNote for you to use.

How to upload your Planner to Remarkable 2

How to upload your Planner to Remarkable 2

Your digital planner can be imported by using the ReMarkable apps for mobile, the desktop app, or by using a USB cable. You can also import files to your reMarkable via

Simply log in to your account and import files from your web browser to your reMarkable by dragging and dropping.

When you first receive your reMarkable, you create an account at and log in to pair your reMarkable to their cloud service and download their apps.

How to Programme the Subconscious Mind for Entrepreneurial Success

How to Programme the Subconscious Mind for Entrepreneurial Success

As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of deadlines, decision-making, and the pressures of building a business. Amidst this chaos, it becomes essential to centre ourselves, and one powerful way to do this is by setting intentions in the morning and at night for the upcoming day. In this post, we explore the significance of this practice, its effectiveness in programming the subconscious mind, and the power of the words we speak to ourselves.

Your Overwhelm is Your Superpower!

Your Overwhelm is Your Superpower!

We’ve all experienced it. That moment when we feel swallowed by our to-do list, bombarded by tasks and ideas, and seemingly stuck in a whirlpool of demands.

Overwhelm: it’s a word that resonates with many business owners and entrepreneurs, especially those wearing multiple hats in their businesses. We see it negatively but let’s turn that on its head. Have you ever stopped to consider that feeling overwhelmed might actually be a testament to your innovative spirit, your creativity, and your drive to succeed?

How to conquer overwhelm and find clarity with mind-mapping

How to conquer overwhelm and find clarity with mind-mapping

Feeling overwhelmed is a common experience, especially when dealing with the complexities of business and life. 

Before you jump to pen and paper and start planning and writing your to do list, have you ever considered mind-mapping? Here’s the thing, when we think about planning, we often envision a linear process—a step-by-step roadmap leading us from point A to point B. 

However, life is far more intricate and unpredictable than that. It presents us with unexpected challenges, fleeting opportunities, and shifting priorities. Recognizing this inherent nonlinearity is the first step towards developing a mindset that embraces flexibility and adaptability.

Unleashing Productivity: The Power of Sleep and Its Evidence-Based Impact

Unleashing Productivity: The Power of Sleep and Its Evidence-Based Impact

Unleashing Productivity: The Power of Sleep and Its Evidence-Based Impact

Introduction: In our fast-paced, productivity-driven world, it's common to sacrifice sleep in favor of getting more done. However, research shows that prioritizing quality sleep is not only crucial for our overall well-being but also a key factor in maximizing productivity. In this article, we will delve into the power of sleep and explore the evidence that supports its profound impact on our cognitive function, creativity, decision-making abilities, and overall productivity.

Small Shifts, Big Differences: Discover the Power of Tiny Changes! ✨🚀"

Small Shifts, Big Differences: Discover the Power of Tiny Changes! ✨🚀"

Sometimes, we underestimate the impact of small adjustments in our daily routines. But it's these subtle shifts that can have a ripple effect on our overall well-being, productivity, and happiness. 

Think about it: What small change can you introduce into your life that will make a big difference? It could be as simple as waking up 15 minutes earlier ⏰, practicing gratitude 🙏, or dedicating a few moments each day to self-care. 🌼